
Empowering Parents in a Digital World


With families’ increasingly demanding lives and the rapid speed of technological changes, parents need help keeping up with their kids’ technology and interactive entertainment options.

A small boutique creative agency tapped me to spearhead this project, a culmination of my years as a digital editorial leader, technology and games journalist, digital product stakeholder and parent.

The ask: Create a compelling, parent-friendly brand, website and content pipeline with explainer content around tech and video games, with a secondary goal of offering a new sponsorship opportunity to the agency’s tech and gaming clients.


Launch Brand + Product

Launch the SuperParent platform, creating a trustworthy and engaging hub for parental resources within the gaming industry.

Build Brand Awareness in Relevant Industries

Build industry awareness about SuperParent, positioning the brand as a trailblazer in its niche, opening up partnership opportunities.

Robust, Relevant Content Pipeline

Establish a consistent and high-quality content pipeline to ensure continuous provision of insightful and relevant material for our audience.

How we did it

Take a Parent-First Approach

Give parents the content they want the most: Accessible, explainer-style information about tech & games, gaming platforms, social media platforms, expert guidance on screentime management, navigating online communities and purchasing advice.

Build Community Online and IRL

Foster parental community with a multi-faceted plan, including targeted social media engagement and real-life educational events in partnership with tech companies and local organizations.

Site Design, On Parental Terms

Created a relatable and user-friendly site design, using terms and language that resonated with parents with varying levels of tech knowledge and experience.


The user-friendly design and language made tech more accessible for parents, encouraging them to explore, learn, and engage with the site and content.

Generated industry buzz, resulting in collaborations with Nintendo and The Pokemon Co, growing brand credibility and audience reach.

Landed lucrative sponsorship with HyperX, a leading gaming peripheral company, creating opportunities for exclusive content and promotions.

Laid groundwork for future initiatives. The insights gained about parents and tech set the stage for other internal projects.

super parents website ask the expert site page

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